Teacher in charge: Mrs. Kovacikova, Mrs. Spisakova
school homepage: http://www.gphmi.sk
E-mail adress of this student group: kovacikova@gphmi.sk
History of school: History of school

Our school, Pavol Horov Gymnasium, is not a very building situated near the centre of our town Michaloce. This building has two storeys with a ground-floor and basement. In one part of the basement there are two classes and our students call it "Kamchatka" because it is very cold there.

Our school has, of course, a gymnasium and football, basketball and volleyball playgrounds at the school yard. 640 students attend our school and they are divided into 20 classes, some bigger ones of 38 students, some smaller of 20 students. We learn five days a week from Monday to Friday, 5-8 lessons a day. One lesson lasts for 45 minutes. Between lessons there is a 10 minutes break. It is usually used for moving from one class to another. The third break lasts for 15 minutes. Breaks are our most loved time spent at school. We can listen to good music during the long break and that is very relaxing.

So it looks like that: 1st lesson 7.45-8.30 am; 2nd lesson 8.40-9.25 am; 3rd lesson 9.35-10.20 am; 4th lesson 10.35-11.20 am; 5th lesson 11.30-12.15 am; 6th lesson 12.25am-1.10pm; 7th lesson 1.20-2.05 pm; 8th lesson 2.10-2.55 pm.

We learn a lot of subjects, too many we think. Slovak language, two foreign languages (we can choose from English, German, French, Russian), mathematics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, P. E. are obligatory for us during the first three years of study, but they become optional in the last year except for Slovak and foreign languages. In each form we have a special class where computer science is taught.

The first lesson starts at 7.45 am. Sometimes we have to go to school at 6.40 am because we have a lesson which starts at 6.55 am. We usually stay at school till 2.05 pm. Our teachers aren't very strict, but we have to study a lot.

Most lessons are very interesting, but sometimes really boring and we look forward to having lunch, going home or meeting our friends after school. Slovak language and literature is one of the nicest subjects for us. We learn grammar, we write dictations, orthographical exercises and different style works during Slovak language lessons. We learn about Slovak writers (e. g. Hviezdoslav, Kukucin, Tajovsky, Chalupka) and world famous authors like Shakespeare or Remarque. We analyze poems and significant works, too. We have friendly and very interesting chats about famous works (poems, novels, plays).